Your mental health matters!

Ons Bouneb
4 min readOct 10, 2020

It's world mental health day, what an opportunity to be aware of the importance of this. if you want to know more, keep reading.

What’s mental health?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO):

“Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively, and can make a contribution to his or her community.”

It’s the easiest definition that I found, so mental health is the impact of your way to react to life struggles.

Everyone is facing issues every day, how do you cope with it?

let’s deep down in this subject from another point of view, we are not going to talk about how to heal your soul because I think that to find a solution to be better and to have a healthy mental, I recommend go and visit a specialist, please don't underestimate its importance, let’s decorticate the subject.

How to know that your mental health is in danger?

  1. You are watching the toxic news :

Unfortunately, the news are most of the time toxic, and it’s not that evident to avoid watching it, I know. So, here is an idea; let’s imagine what you can do to change and fix this world sitting on your couch in your house. If what’s on your mind can be achieved, then go ahead, heal this planet. If you don’t have those special powers, then close that TV please, your mental health is in danger.

2. You are comparing yourself to others:

Let's be honest, we all do it, we are all fascinated by Instagram photos, TEDx success stories, models bodies, Instagram influencers skin.

We know also that it’s photoshopped, they are saying half of the truth, we know that we must work out to be in fit, we must hustle and work to be successful and we must take off makeup before sleeping to have clear skin!

But deep down we keep thinking that we are not enough and we don't deserve any happiness. it’s all in our minds.

This can be related to comparison: our work environment!

3. You are having a toxic work :

It’s totally to have competition at work, everyone wants to have a good position but this does not mean that you must hate your colleague because he got a promotion while you don't, maybe you are next? wait listen, don't be sad if you have this feeling, I am not judging you, I know that you think that you are a bad person for feeling this but it’s totally okay, it’s not your fault, maybe you are not receiving credits of your work? or you are bullied at work? or maybe you are becoming a workaholic but with no appreciation, I am gonna leave this here, not all managers are leaders, some of them are bosses. After all, it’s not easy to be a leader, and you are lucky if you are having a good working environment, it’s a blessing.

Believe me, this may destroy your mental health, because you will work with no visual result. Maybe it’s time to find a new job darling.

If you are looking for a sing, this is the sign, you are welcome.

4. Toxic friends, relatives:

This can be applied to any type of relationship, people can be rude, well they are always rude with some exceptions()

Their words and actions can go straight to our sensitive imperfections, please stop saying offensive things to people around you, it’s not a piece of advice if you say it in front of others, mind your freaking business can you?

We don't need you to tell us that we are fat, have acne on your faces, are bad at maths, look stupid in that dress, we know, just don't, thank you, I guess.

Are you ignoring facts?

Are you sleeping more or less than normal?

Are you isolating yourself?

Are you sad all the time? feeling depressed and hating everyone?

Are you having mood swings?

Those are signs don't ignore it.

I don't know if this article can make you at least aware that maybe you are having problems with your mental health, I hope that you find the light.

You are worthy, you are enough, I believe that it seems difficult, but if you take one step today, maybe in 6 months you will be better!

Sending you some love and support! Peace.



Ons Bouneb

Computer Science Engineer| Geek | Writer| Cheerful human