The 10 (Mostly Unrecognized) Achievements of 2022

Achievements can be big or small. Even just surviving this past year is one hell of an achievement. Go you!

Ons Bouneb
Hello, Love


Picture of Evelyn Paris on Unsplash

It's 2023 in a week, the internet is full of posts about what people archived in 2022.

Your friends are sharing a recap about how this year was the best, how they traveled the world and saw all the magnificent monuments, how they get their dream body, and workout 5 times a week.

You feel drained in all these positive posts that you don't fit in it. Your year was hard, or it was simply: Normal.

This time of the year is the best to compare your achievements with others. You will find yourself projection your year and how it went and notice the differences.

It’s hard broken that you feel anxious that this year was typical. You did not buy your dream house, and you did not start that side hustle that you planned for last December.

Well, as much as it feels stressful, I am here to give a small list of successes that you did not probably notice:

1. You said no to what makes you sad.

2. You may save lives without noticing.

And it can even send a check-in message to your old friend to see if he is doing well or not. He could be in a bad mood and you just improved his life. You could be that friend who needed help, and you found someone to help you.

3. Maybe you just changed your workplace.

As much as this sounds normal, having the courage to go out of your comfort zone is really an enormous step in your life. Or maybe you did not take that step yet and you are securing yourself before doing it or you are used to this rhythm and you don't want to change it, your life, your rules, right?

4. You maybe gained a new friend?

A new one or you renewed an old friendship, you realize have a new confident friend to share your good and bad moments with, or maybe you lost that friend that you used to appreciate, but life has other plans for you both.

5. You woke up and left your bed.

You went to work, school, or grocery or you just take care of your skin or tidy up the room.

6. You did that stupid walk for your mental health.

Walking for 10 minutes can make you change your mood and feel fresher. You will not regret it.

7. You put yourself first.

As hard as it seems, putting yourself first is not being selfish. It’s being a priority and choosing yourself when everyone puts you down.

8. You smiled more.

To yourself in the mirror or you smiled at strangers on the streets

9. You said yes to new things.

New opportunities are always here. You said yes even to a small one.

10. You survived this year.

This is a hell of an achievement. This year also was difficult. Diseases are still here and you managed to stay alive and be in a good health until now.

The moral of the story, even if only had minor achievements this year, what matters is you, so be kind to yourself!

Happy new year!



Ons Bouneb
Hello, Love

Computer Science Engineer| Geek | Writer| Cheerful human