My 23 years on earth - part 1

Birthdays! I freaking love birthdays! Especially mine! Why?

Ons Bouneb
3 min readDec 29, 2018

Because it’s the first day I came to this life, the first day I became part of this complex universe!

This year I am 23 years old! Yeah old enough to figure out that it’s a normal day, yes for you I can totally understand but not for me.

Like I was born again; like it’s a second chance for me to replay in this game that we call it life.

People are asking what’s the spirit of the next year because last year I started the blog on the day of my birthday and the spirit was “be gentle with yourself”. I think that the new spirit of the next year will be ‘Wake up every day and re-earn the title of the mighty lady!’

Every day is a hustle, every day is a challenge for the entire year, no rest days, no holidays! Mighty life! So I deserve that title every day!

I will take everything to the next level, maybe I will start modeling or maybe I will become a data analyst but baby, what about both? Watch me!

My friend said I look great in photos, beauty overload! So why not?

The spirit of next year will be also putting myself first, the thing I am not familiar with, so yeah let’s try it!

Last year I gained a lot of friends, like believe me, with all random kinds; one of them sent a long first message talking about aliens and another one started the conversation with a paparazzi picture of us! So random, right?

I can’t really imagine how my life would be without all those bad things and significant events that happened this year; heartbreaks, two depressions in a row, a couple of love stories, three memorable speeches, a lot of photoshoots, a dozen cool friends.

I learned that it’s okay to fail, as long as you have the right persons around you. It’s okay not to know everything. It’s okay to accept other’s differences. It’s okay to say no. It’s okay to say yes to opportunities. It’s okay to see the fear in the eyes of your entourage and then again take the risk. It’s okay to get hurt. It’s okay to put yourself first or to ask for help!

Never hide your feelings, please never! You will never know when it’s the last goodbye, this is only the begging of the journey, 23 is a stupid number with no signification, but then again watch me make it so special, well, I will do my best, just like always!

No promises of an article every day, because it won’t be that easy but don’t worry, I will journal every day and I will share with you my journey.

Hint: follow my Instagram: mylifeasons so much content will be shared!

This is part one stay tuned to the next article about my 22 years on earth!




Ons Bouneb

Computer Science Engineer| Geek | Writer| Cheerful human